
European Amateur Open 2019 Info

Amateur disc golfers get a chance to test their skills against the famed Beast in the European Amateur Open 2019! Experiencing the stage of the European PDGA Major event in a tournament setting mere days before the European Open is without a doubt the best way to start your trip to the European Open.

The European Amateur Open 2019 is also a last chance qualifier event for the European Open. The player with the lowest score will earn a spot in the Major event!

Read on for more info about the European Amateur Open. Check here for more info on the European Open 2019 PDGA Major event.

Stay on top of the latest updates - follow the news here at the event website www.opendiscgolf.com and in social media: Facebook & Instagram.

Contents and Quick Links:

European Amateur Open 2019 Info
Event Schedule Registration Info
Entry Fees
Divisions and Spot Allocations
Registration Phases and Schedule
Waiting List
Wild Cards
Withdrawals and Refunds
Common Questions & Answers

European Amateur Open 2019 Basic Info

  • Event date: 13-14 July 2019.
  • Location: The Beast, Nokia DiscGolfPark, Hinttalankatu 6, 37100 Nokia, Finland.
  • PDGA C-tier event.
  • 192 players.
  • Four divisions: FA1, FA3, MA1 & MA3. (Pros playing am rules apply.)
  • All players play two 18-hole rounds - one round per day with staggered starts. (Tee times at 10-minute intervals.)
  • This is an amateur event as the name suggest. The top 3 in each division will be awarded with trophies and merchandise prizes... And then there's the European Open spot.

Event Schedule

Friday, July 12
12.00 - Course opens for practice.
12.00-17.00 - Player sign ups at the tournament center.

Saturday, July 13
8.00-16.00 - Tee times
7.30-19.30 - Tournament center open

Sunday, July 14
8.00-16.00 - Tee times
7.30-19.30 - Tournament center open
19.30 - Prize ceremony

Note that this is a preliminary schedule and subject to changes.

European Amateur Open 2019 Registration Info

A PDGA membership is all you need, but it doesn't have to be active. An SFL membership isn't required at the time of registration either. All players must have a current PDGA membership during the event and Finnish players must also be SFL members.

Registration takes place in Disc Golf Metrix and each player must have a Metrix account to register. Creating a Metrix account and using Metrix is free. Create an account here. (Players should make sure that their PDGA number is correct. Metrix checks the rating from the PDGA automatically when a player registers for an event.)

Entry fee

Entry fee is 50€ (inc. 24% VAT) in all divisions. Each player will receive a player pack, which is at least 30€ in value.

Entry fees must be paid to Innova Europe's online store by purchasing the  "European Amateur Open 2019 Entry Fee" product. Check the payment deadlines from the registration phases & schedules below.

Players should not pay the entry fee unless they have a spot in the event. Every player must check their registration status once they have registered. Players should not pay the entry fee if they're on the waiting list. More info about the waiting list below.

Divisions and spot allocations

The maximum field for each event is 192 players. Available divisions, including spots allocations and rating limitations in the first phase of registration:

Division Ph.1 ratings Spots Wild cards Av. spots
MA1 900+ 80 6 74
MA3 <900 80 6 74
FA1 775+ 16 2 14
FA3 <775 16 2 14
Total spots 192 16 176

Pros playing Am applies. There are no maximum rating limitations for PDGA amateur status players in MA1 and FA1 divisions.

Rating limitations for PDGA pro status players by division are:

  • MA1, <970
  • MA3, <900
  • FA1, <875
  • FA3, <775

Registration Phases and Schedule

Registration for the European Amateur Open includes three (3) phases. Registration isn’t complete until the registrant has paid the entry fee for the event. Registration within phases is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Phase 1

Registration open for all players who meet the rating & division requirements in the division and spot allocation table above.

Only exception are players who already have a spot in the European Open who are not allowed to register for the EAO in the 1st phase of registration. This does not include EO waiting list players, they are free to register for the amateur event.

All phase 1 registrants must pay the entry fee by the end of phase 1. All unpaid registrants of phase 1 are removed from the competition at the end of phase 1. All registrants are recommended to take care of the payment right away after they are certain that they have a spot in the event. The payment deadlines are quite short.


  • Registration starts: February 7, 2019, 16.00 UTC*.
  • Registration closes & payment deadline: February 11, 2019, 15.50 UTC.

*16.00 UTC at different time zones:

  • 8.00 PST
  • 11.00 ES&
  • 17.00 CET
  • 18.00 EET (Finnish time)

Phase 2

MA1 and FA1 minimum rating requirements removed. Division specific spot quotas removed.

Players who receive a cancellation spot in phase 1 or 2 must pay the entry fee by the end of phase 2. All unpaid phase 1 cancellation spot registrants and unpaid phase 2 registrants are removed from the competition at the end of phase 2.


  • Registration starts: February 11, 2019, 16.00 UTC.
  • Registration closes& payment deadline: February 14, 2019, 15.50 UTC.

Phase 3

Phase 3 runs until mid-July. Cancellation spot receivers, new registrants, and wild card receivers must pay the entry fee within one week of registration. The deadline for payments will be adjusted if there are less than eight (8) days until the start of the event.


  • Registration starts: February 14, 2019, 16.00 UTC.
  • Registration closes & payment deadline: Check above.

Waiting list

When the event is full a waiting list is automatically created by Disc Golf Metrix. Spots will be automatically issued to players on the waiting list based on their queue number, which is issued at the time of registration.

Players should note that queue numbers don’t take division quotas into account in phase 1. This means that if all divisions are full and a spot becomes available in the MA1 division, the spot is issued to an MA1 division participant even if a player in the MA3 division has the smallest queue number.

After phase 1, in phases 2 & 3, the spots are issued in queue number order.

Queue numbers are visible in the waiting list column of the registered players list in Disc Golf Metrix. If there is a number next to a player's name, they’re on the waiting list. Players on the waiting list should not pay the entry fee.

Wild cards

Wild cards will be issued by the organizer. Wild card application instructions will be published once the registration starts. The wild cards can also be used to grant spots to waiting list players in registration order.

Applying for a wild card
All wild card applicants should also register for the event in Disc Golf Metrix. Even if the event is full and they're placed on the waiting list.

The first set of wild cards will be issued by the end of February. Some might be reserved to be used later in the spring and summer.

Wild card recipients will be contacted personally and announced on the event website & European Open social medias.

Wild card application is available here.

Withdrawals and Refunds

We follow the standard PDGA refund policy, as stated by the PDGA Competition Manual 1.03. There is no waitlist fee for the European Amateur Open 2019.

A handling fee of 8€ will be deducted from all refunds.

All withdrawals must be made by contacting the tournament director directly by email or phone:

Jukka Teräs
+358 40 5387464


The ultimate prize is a European Open 2019 spot. The player with the lowest total score in European Amateur Open 2019 receives a spot in the European Open. If the player with the lowest score has a European Open spot, the spot will be carried over to the player with the lowest score who doesn't have a European Open spot yet, regardless of division.

The top three players in each division will receive trophies and merchandise prizes, which are primarily InnovaStore gift certificates.

If the EO spot receiver finishes in top 3, he/she may choose to use the merchandise prize to pay the EO entry fee, or at least part of the entry fee if the prize isn’t sufficient to cover the whole entry fee.

MA1 prizes
200€ gift certificate
100€ gift certificate
50€ gift certificate

FA1 prizes
200€ gift certificate
100€ gift certificate
50€ gift certificate

MA3 prizes
100€ gift certificate
75€ gift certificate
50€ gift certificate

FA3 prizes
100€ gift certificate
75€ gift certificate
50€ gift certificate

Common Questions & Answers

Q1: What if my rating changes and I must change divisions? (E.g. male player registered for MA3 but rating rises from 890 to 910.)

A1: Notify the TD about the change in your rating. You will be transferred from one division to another. (From MA3 to MA1 in the example.) You will not lose your spot in the event.

This happens all the time, so it's not a problem. A thing to note is that according to the PDGA rules it is player's responsibility to make sure that he/she plays in the correct division.

If your rating decreases you can still play in MA1/FA1 division, even if you could play in MA3/FA3.



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