
Head to head


  • 966
  • 896
  • 974
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    Detailed results

    Ingus Timpers

    Score round:
    To par:
    Round rating:

    Arnis Makārovs

    Score round:
    To par:
    Round rating:

    Roberts Pēkšens

    Score round:
    To par:
    Round rating:

    Organizer- Deviņkalnu disku golfa parks.


    Place- Talsi, Latvia



    Talsi, Deviņkalnu disku golfa parks.


    Date 2-4. August, 2019


    Event goals -  To organize the biggest disc golf event / competition in Latvia, where to attract people to active life, as well as attracting high level players from all over Europe.


    Golf start, one round per day.


    PDGA B-tier

    Maximum number of players 160:


    MPO 40 players


    MA1 40 players


    MA2 40 players


    FPO 20 players


    MP40 20 players


    Registration https://dgmtrx.com/928592


    MPO no rating restriction

    MA3- PDGA Maximum rating 900

    MA4- PDGA Maximum rating 850

    FPO - no rating restriction

    MP40- no rating restriction

    Stages of registration:

    1. stage begins on June 1st, where players with the best ratings of each group will be given the opportunity to registrate.


    Disc Golf Metrix rating will be use if first stage


    MPO rating over 920

    MA1 rating 870-900

    MA2 rating 810-840

    FPO rating over 850

    MP40 rating over 900

    Stage 1 registration fee

    MPO, FPO, MP40 - 45 Euro

    MA1, MA2 - 39 Euro


    2. stage begins on June 17th

    MPO without restrictions

    MA 3 rating up 900 PDGA

    MA 4 rating up to 850 PDGA

    FPO without restrictions

    MP40 without restrictions

    Stage 2 registration fee

    MPO, FPO, MP40 - 45 Euro

    MA1, MA2- 39 Euro


    3. stage begins on July 1st

    MPO without restrictions

    MA 3 rating up 900 PDGA

    MA 4 rating up to 850 PDGA

    FPO without restrictions

    MP40 without restrictions

    Stage 3 registration fee

    MPO, FPO, MP40 - 52 Euro

    MA1, MA2- 46 Euros


    The value of the player pack is 45 euros.



    MPO group

    1.Place 500 euro

    2.Place 300 euro

    3.Place 200 euro

    4. place 100 euro

    5. place 80 euro

    6. place 70 euro

    7. place 60 euro

    8. place 50 euro

    9. place 40 euro

    FPO Group

    1. 150 eiro

    2.100 eiro

    3.80 eiro


    1. 150 eiro

    2.100 eiro

    3.80 eiro


    1.Disc golf basket

    2.Disc golf bag

    3. Sponsor prize

    4. Sponsor prize

    5. Sponsor prize

    6. Sponsor prize


    1.Disc golf basket

    2.Disc golf bag

    3. Sponsor prize

    4. Sponsor prize

    5. Sponsor prize

    6. Sponsor prize



    Place to stay




    Meklē vietu, kur palikt ierodoties uz 9Hill Open? 
    Esam vienojušies ar Hotel TALSI par lielisku piedāvājumu! Cena sākot no 11 eiro par nakti no personas.
    Lai lietas nesarežģītu, turpat viesnīcā izdevīgs brokastu un pusdienu piedāvājums no 2.75- 4.65 eiro.
    Lai saņemtu šo lielisko cenu piedāvājumu, sazinieties ar mums.

    Looking for a place to stay on 9Hill Open? 
     We have agreed with Hotel TALSI and got a great offer.  Price starting from 11 Euros per night from person.
     Also a great place to have breakfast or lunch from 2.75 to 4.65 euros.
     To get this great offer, contact us.



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