
Player information


Welcome to EPT All-Stars!

I have gathered some important information concerning EPT All-Stars to this message. Please, read it carefully and don't hesitate to ask if there something.

Event's Metrix page will be official information channel for this tournament. I suggest to follow this page regularly, even if you don't have Metrix account.

  • General information: LINK
  • All the news: LINK

Caddy book

Caddy book can be downloaded HERE. Can be found also from event's Metrix page.


The EPT All-Stars layout will be set up on Tuesday afternoon. For the most parts, the layout follows regular Mijas Blue course, which can be practised also on Monday / early Tuesday. On Wednesday the layout will be playable as in competition format and on Thursday it is reserved only for your (EPT players) practising only.


All three rounds will be played with same schedule:

  • FPO tee-times 9:15 - 9:30
  • MPO tee-times 12:15/12:30 - 14:30

Tee-times will be posted in Metrix, Udisc and PDGA page.

Tee-times for the first round will be published at the latest on Thursday morning. Probably on Wednesday, or even on Tuesday. Tee-times for following rounds will be published after division has finished and results are checked.

For all rounds: Short group meeting at Tournament office (Mijas Pro shop) 15 minutes before your tee-time.


Official scoring platform is Udisc and back-up scoring platform is Metrix. 

  • Scores must match between Udisc and Metrix
  • Udisc scores needs to be verified from scorekeeper's screen
  • Metrix scores needs to be signed in your own phone (locks your score)


PDGA rules 3.04 D is applied in each European Pro Tour event.

Media coverage

Unfortunately there will be no live production from EPT All-Stars because of some bigger things. Anyway, there will be post-productions by MDG Media from both divisions (feature/lead card) and all three rounds.

Course fees

DiscGolfPark Mijas is a pay-to-play course. Your All-Stars entry fee includes the course fee for Thursday (reserved practice day) and for all three competition days. If you are practising before Wednesday, please pay the course fee to Mijas Pro shop. 


Tournament Director: Mikko Wikman, mikko.wikman@europeanprotour.com, +358 40 556 7789

Course location: GOOGLE MAPS LINK


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