
List of courses

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Return list of courses.

Input parameters:

1. country_code - required.check codes here https://datahub.io/core/country-list. Example url: https://discgolfmetrix.com/api.php?content=courses_list&country_code=EE

2. name - optional. Example url: https://discgolfmetrix.com/api.php?content=courses_list&country_code=EE&name=a%

Output (json):

1. ID

2. ParentID

3. Name

4. Fullname - same with name if no layouts are used.

5.  Type - possible values 1 - Parent course, always consists layouts of couse, 2 - layour or course without layout.

6. CountryCode

7. Area

8. City

9. Location

10. X - latitude

12. Y - longitude

13. Enddate - if the course/layout does not exist any more, then the enddate is filled with date