
Metrix Features per Subscription Model





Online scoring system

Practice rounds

Metrix users can track their practice rounds.


Create events *

Create different kinds of events using Disc Golf Metrix.


Play in an event

Register to events, enter and see results.


Course details

Create and maintain course details and use public courses created by other Metrix users.


Club memberships

Create and join clubs.


Event setup

Collect Metrix statistics

Choose whether to collect additional stats or not.

Use groups *

Group players in to groups for scoring.

Public events

Make event public to all Metrix users (and visitors).

Calculate ratings

Calculate Metrix ratings from the event (if selected course has ratings).

Custom divisions

Create and use custom divisions in addition to the standard PDGA and Metrix divisions.

Show "free text"

Show additional information about the event at the bottom of registration or results page.

PDGA events

TD can select event type to be one of the PDGA event types (Tier A, B, C etc).

Register to groups **

Allow players to register directly into a group with possible tee times

Player data export

TD can export player data to Excel, including all registration details.

Import players New!

Use Excel sheet to import and update player details (division, group, tee times etc).

PDGA export

TD can export players list and results in a PDGA Tournament Manager compliant format.

Signing scores

Require players to sign scores after each round.

Info page

TD can create a separate info page for the event using formatted text, images etc.

Event sponsors

Add sponsor banners to the event.


Create, show and send news to players.

Eligible for #MetrixLive

Only Premium events can be featured on metrix.live


Player self-registration *

Players can register to the event themselves when registration is open

Confirmation email

Send registration confirmation email to players when they register to an event.

Registration stages

Registration can include multiple stages with different conditions

Custom registered players list

TD can choose which details to show in the registered players list

Custom field on registration form

TDs can setup custom questions to players on the registration form.

Waiting list

Players will go into waiting list once maximum number of players has been reached.

Wild cards

TD can assign wild card to a player to skip the waiting list.


System notifications

Subscribe to system notifications such as "New announcement".

Email to players

TD can send email to players.

Player notifications

Get notified about different activities related to players. For example "Got a spot from the waiting list".


Event notifications

Notifications to TDs from actions related to their event. For example when users register to an event.

Points and Statistics

Metrix statistics *

Use and show Metrix statistics.

Head-to-head statistics

Compare players with head-to-head statistics in an event or on a round.

Stats while entering results Soon!

Show hole-by-hole statistics for the current player while entering results.

Handicapped results

Players will get handicapped results based on their average results in a series or by Metrix rating.

Additional statistics on player profile Soon!

Additional, more detailed, statistics shown on player profile.


Throw-by-throw view New!

See each throw on the map. Based on each throw we can calculate results and statistics in a whole new way.

Course map stats view Soon!

New statistics view for courses based on throw data entered via Metrix App.


Series point system

TD can setup points to tour events that will be summed on top.

Series points per HC results New!

Calculate series points based on handicapped results instead of (or in addition to) raw results.

Manual points table **

Create a custom points table manually.

Mobile app

Mobile app New!

Disc Golf Metrix mobile app for Android and iPhones is free to install and use.


Map-entry New!

Entering each throw with a map-based entry mode. System will calculate all statistics based on this information. Mobile app is required to use the map-entry.

Stats-entry New!

New view for enter Metrix-stats. Mobile app is required to use the new stats-entry.

Other features

No ads

Disc Golf Metrix will not show generic ads. Event can still have their own sponsors.

Customizable dashboard / front page **

User can define which widgets are shown on the front page.


No "free Metrix used" text

Free events will show "Free Disc Golf Metrix used for this event" text.

Update PDGA ratings

Update PDGA ratings for all players in the event.

Bag tag leagues

Create a bag tag league. Premium bag tag leagues are priced per players per year.

Support Metrix!

By using Premium events or the Plus account you support the Metrix team. With Plus account income we plan to hire a support person to support You better. Thank you.

* Feature has some limitations in the Free version.
** Feature will be removed from the Free version during the 2021 season.