
Important information


Groups for first round: https://discgolfmetrix.com/?u=scorecard_groups&ID=2634816

Registration is next to the first tee (Start/Finish house). Please register at least 30 minutes before your teetime and take you players packet

If you ordered food, you will get the cupons during registration. Please take cash to pay for the food. Please follow the time schedule:

06.07 lunch 13:00-13:30; dinner 18:00-19:00

07.07 breakfast 08:00-09:00; lunch 12:00-14:00; dinner 18:00-19:00

08.07 breakfast 08:00-09:00; lunch 12:00-14:00; dinner 18:30-19:00

09.07 breakfast 08:00-08:30; lunch 12:00-14:00

If you see, that you can not be on time, please take your cupon to kitchen and they pack it for you for later

There will be Bravo Catering offers for fast food and light drinks

Warm-up area 07.07 - red course and the net next to the first hole of red course.and football field

06.07 is weekly at 18:30-21:00 at Yellow course: https://discgolfmetrix.com/2514611 You can participate in weeklys on play only red course


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