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  • Weather: 19°C 3.6 m/s N
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Marius Kultorp04/27/18 14:284223443332433322334-357
1stener vines04/28/18 14:204223333432433233334-357
3Thomas Beckmann04/28/18 14:205232343333543322224-258
4Ole Kopstad04/28/18 14:205323343332334333333-159
5Henning Johnsen04/28/18 14:204332343333433332335060
6Thomas Beckmann04/27/18 14:284432334333533333244+262
7Mareks Vaičuls04/07/18 14:015333333343443333334+363
8Mareks Vaičuls04/07/18 10:014333453433663333423+868
9Augusts Zosars04/07/18 14:013345434434443344335+1070
10Rūdolfs Markuss Čeičs04/07/18 14:015235443452435533344+1171
11Rūdolfs Markuss Čeičs04/07/18 10:015334344434544543534+1474
12Augusts Zosars04/07/18 10:017543434532453432545+1575
13Kristians Stalšāns04/07/18 14:015444654463553444455+2484
14Kristians Stalšāns04/07/18 10:015453566543754443445+2686
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Course statistics

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Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
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Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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