
Altenau - Bergpark

  • Location: Germany, Niedersachsen, Altenau
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 27
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 3°C 7.15 m/s WSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

1Sascha Klein06/19/21 04:27223323333-324
2Jonas Steermann06/19/21 04:27333333332-126
3Björn Trautmann05/06/22 09:00332423334027
3Nils Weidler06/19/21 04:27324433323027
3Nils Wittig06/19/21 04:27324333333027
3Jonas Bilke06/19/21 04:27323334333027
7Marcus Minge06/19/21 04:27422423344+128
7Adrian Hornbostel06/19/21 04:27333433333+128
7Hendrik Cieslik06/19/21 04:27332443324+128
7Joscha Mahlke06/19/21 04:27233334334+128
7Steffen Bilke06/19/21 04:27333334333+128
7Tobias Klann06/19/21 04:27332533324+128
13Tiemo Wesemann06/19/21 04:27243333443+229
13Felix Sauermann06/19/21 04:27343333325+229
13Tobias Lülf06/19/21 04:27333433433+229
16Michael Trautmann05/06/22 09:00443423343+330
17Micha Zenker06/19/21 04:27532334443+431
17Dustin Schüttkowski06/19/21 04:27334433434+431
17Hendrik Witte06/19/21 04:27433434334+431
20Paul Busse06/19/21 04:27333435544+734
20Jan Blockus06/19/21 04:27334545343+734
22Arne Nolte06/19/21 04:27424536443+835
23Rene (Vize)05/06/22 09:00445454454+1239
24Hommes05/06/22 09:00635545554+1542
25Weiti05/06/22 09:00435645655+1643
26Helm05/06/22 09:00445546565+1744
27Philip (König)05/06/22 09:00354655575+1845
28Makki05/06/22 09:00535845475+1946
29Tim05/06/22 09:00445545776+2047
30Lutz05/06/22 09:00455547666+2148

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2022-05-06Event KK/I11Björn Trautmann (0) | 2 5 2
2021-06-19Collector Marathon VIII → Marathon → Altenau29

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined