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  • Weather: -2°C 0.43 m/s N
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

1Joakim Trontveit08/25/18 14:002-12
1Knut Vidar Evensen08/25/18 14:002-12
1Lars Harald Tjøstheim08/25/18 14:002-12
1Magnus Smedby08/25/18 14:002-12
1Ole Tom Eriksen08/25/18 14:002-12
1Ronny Graskopf08/25/18 14:002-12
1Roy-Arne Jensen08/25/18 14:002-12
1Thomas Myrvang08/25/18 14:002-12
1Tom Bjørnsletten08/25/18 14:002-12
1Tom Robin Odden08/25/18 14:002-12
11Kristian Gryt08/25/18 14:00303
11Herman Huuse08/25/18 14:00303
11Sander Paulsen08/25/18 14:00303
11Sebastian Lie08/25/18 14:00303
11Stefan Nilsen08/25/18 14:00303
11Anniken Steen08/25/18 14:00303
11Thor Fredrik Kristiansen08/25/18 14:00303
11Mats Bergmo Bjørnsletten08/25/18 14:00303
11Håkon Mathias Løvenskiold Kveseth08/25/18 14:00303
11Trond Theimann08/25/18 14:00303
21Knut Hummelvoll08/25/18 14:004+14
21Åsmund Håndstad08/25/18 14:004+14
21Krister Flobergseter08/25/18 14:004+14
21Christoffer Lereng08/25/18 14:004+14
21Eirik Strand08/25/18 14:004+14
21Lars Vigerust Graff08/25/18 14:004+14
21Lars-Ole Sørlunden08/25/18 14:004+14
21Magnus Einum08/25/18 14:004+14
21Erik Tofsrud Lunde08/25/18 14:004+14
21Espen N Krogstad08/25/18 14:004+14

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2018-08-25Mjøstur 2018 → Mjøstur 2018 Oppland → Mjøstur 2018 Toten54Håkon Mathias Løvenskiold Kveseth (-14) | 2 10 6

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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