
Disc Golf am Volksparkstadion (Hamburg)

  • Location: Germany, Hamburg, Bahrenfeld
  • Baskets: 10 Par: 30 Length: 896m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 5°C 5.14 m/s SW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)
  • Course map


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910+/-Sum
1Alberto M. Tellez11/01/24 18:303433223322-327
2Nico Steiner11/06/18 19:303433223323-228
3Alexander Eichhorst11/06/18 18:304333323323-129
3Benjamin Boehm10/25/18 19:303334233332-129
3Jan Martens12/16/22 19:303333322433-129
3Jan Weckenbrock11/01/24 20:002433324332-129
3maik christlieb11/06/18 18:303523232423-129
3Alexander Eichhorst10/04/18 19:153333223532-129
9Benjamin Böhm11/01/24 20:003333332325030
9Daniel Zacharias11/01/24 20:002333433342030
9Hendrik Bernert11/06/18 18:303333333333030
9Alexander Makowka11/01/24 18:303433334322030
9Arne Knörck11/01/24 20:004333323423030
9Benjamin Boehm10/25/18 18:303333323433030
9maik christlieb11/06/18 19:303433233432030
9Malte Cohrs11/01/24 20:003333423333030
9Max Feist10/04/18 19:152342234433030
9Nico Steiner10/11/18 18:303333333432030
9Nico Steiner11/06/18 18:303334333323030
9Alexander Eichhorst10/04/18 18:302433224343030
9Nico Steiner11/01/24 18:302533323333030
9Nico Steiner11/01/24 20:003334323333030
9Sascha Goldmann11/01/24 18:303423333423030
9Sascha Goldmann11/01/24 20:003423333432030
25Alexander Eichhorst11/06/18 19:303333324334+131
25Julian Danielczik11/01/24 20:003334323433+131
25maik christlieb10/04/18 19:153433223434+131
25Alexander Eichhorst10/11/18 19:153433324333+131
25Andre Eckhardt10/04/18 19:153335324332+131
25Maik Christlieb11/01/24 20:003434432422+131

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2024-11-01Space Race Volkspark → Runde 236
2024-11-01Space Race Volkspark → Runde 136

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
