
Wintertour - Zürich Hardhof

  • Location: Switzerland, Zürich
  • Baskets: 14 Par: 46
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 6°C 7.2 m/s WSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314+/-Sum
1Tony Ferro01/16/22 13:3522222334332223-1135
2Jonas Snozzi06/06/20 09:003333323223333-736
3frederic keiflin01/16/22 09:3023233433232322-937
4Tony Ferro01/16/22 09:3024233423233332-739
5Raphael Dreier01/16/22 09:3033233433343322-541
5frederic keiflin01/16/22 13:3523342333333243-541
5Christoph Weiss01/16/22 13:3524332434332332-541
8Ivo Blättler01/16/22 09:3024322434343332-442
8Raphael Dreier01/16/22 13:3523334334344222-442
8Tadeas Priklopil01/16/22 13:3533333334332333-442
8Jürgen Disch01/16/22 13:3533342334332342-442
8Martin Jenny01/16/22 09:3033243434233332-442
13Oliver Korn01/16/22 13:3533243443234332-343
13patrick schweizer01/16/22 09:3024333334332334-343
13Marko Puza01/16/22 13:3524233435333332-343
13Melanie Meuter01/16/22 13:3534243433332333-343
13Michael Hofmann01/16/22 13:3542243344432332-343
13Natalie Holloköi01/16/22 09:3034232444332333-343
13Natalie Holloköi01/16/22 13:3524433433233333-343
13Valentin Vogt01/16/22 13:3522443534233233-343
21David York01/16/22 13:3533334434332333-244
21Manuel Schuler01/16/22 13:3533433434242333-244
21Pasqual Zurbuchen01/16/22 13:3533233434343333-244
21Christoph Weiss01/16/22 09:3024243435333332-244
21Andreas Ulmer01/16/22 09:3044232435333332-244
21Martin Jenny01/16/22 13:3523244334233533-244
21Connor Wood01/16/22 09:3033234533433332-244
21Tobias Bachmann01/16/22 09:3034343434242233-244
21Michael Bienstock01/16/22 13:3533333433343342-244
21Dan Sellers01/16/22 13:3523242445343332-244

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
2025-01-05 09:00:00Wintertour 24/25 → Inuit Cup ICompetitionScheduled 2024-12-220
2025-02-02 09:00:00Wintertour 24/25 → Inuit Cup IICompetitionScheduled 2025-01-190

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2022-01-16Wintertour 21/22 → Inuit Cup I → Runde 254Tony Ferro (-8) | 9 5 1
2022-01-16Wintertour 21/22 → Inuit Cup I → Runde 154Tony Ferro (-6) | 7 7 1

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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