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  • Baskets: 0 Par:
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  • Weather: 12°C 8.75 m/s WNW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1roger de freitas05/08/19 12:10444243343332-139
1Xavier JOUSSON05/08/19 09:09443342443332-139
3Xavier JOUSSON05/08/19 12:10443243344333040
4Franck Haverlandt05/08/19 12:10443253333443+141
4Pascal Bossuet05/08/19 15:10424353344333+141
4cyril mothes05/08/19 12:10424453343333+141
4cyril mothes05/08/19 15:10424353353333+141
4Franck Haverlandt05/08/19 09:09533353334333+141
4Xavier JOUSSON05/08/19 15:10444342343334+141
10greg QUILLACQ05/08/19 12:10534243344433+242
10Clément Martin05/08/19 09:09424353343533+242
10Franck Haverlandt05/08/19 15:10534253343433+242
13Clément Martin05/08/19 15:10524453343343+343
13roger de freitas05/08/19 09:09425353343353+343
15Pascal Bossuet05/08/19 09:09435353363333+444
15Michel D05/08/19 09:09444353344334+444
15roger de freitas05/08/19 15:10444364343333+444
18greg QUILLACQ05/08/19 09:09444353444343+545
19Clément Martin05/08/19 12:10544354443334+646
19Pascal Bossuet05/08/19 12:10524453343634+646
19Samuel Guerra05/08/19 15:10533356343335+646
19greg QUILLACQ05/08/19 15:10434443354543+646
19Patrick Dupuis05/08/19 12:10533343454444+646
19cyril mothes05/08/19 09:09444363453334+646
25thierry guitard05/08/19 09:09424364473334+747
25Olivier LANNELUC05/08/19 15:10544463353433+747
25Clément Louis05/08/19 09:09435454344344+747
25Olivier LANNELUC05/08/19 12:10634453354334+747
29Laurent Lanneluc05/08/19 09:09425354455443+848
29Patrick Dupuis05/08/19 09:09544454454333+848

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
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Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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