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  • Weather: 4°C 9.77 m/s SW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627+/-Sum
1Alan Kivistik03/18/19 21:2621211212-1212
2Alan Kivistik03/18/19 20:3011231212-1113
2Raimo Kimmel03/18/19 21:0012221212-1113
2Raimo Kimmel03/18/19 21:1511121232-1113
2Tarvo Tats03/18/19 21:2622112212-1113
2Tarvo Tats03/18/19 21:3021111313-1113
7Raimo Kimmel03/18/19 21:2611221232-1014
7Tarvo Tats03/18/19 21:0011222222-1014
7Alan Kivistik03/18/19 21:1521121232-1014
7Guido Laanela03/18/19 20:1512222212-1014
11Agor Tõnuri03/18/19 21:0022121313-915
11Alan Kivistik03/18/19 20:1512121332-915
11Guido Laanela03/18/19 21:1522121223-915
11Raimo Kimmel03/18/19 21:3021221232-915
11Rando Järve03/18/19 21:3012121233-915
11Tarvo Tats03/18/19 20:3012222213-915
11Meeri Rätsep03/18/19 20:4521221313-915
11Raimo Kimmel03/18/19 20:1511222322-915
11Raimo Kimmel03/18/19 20:3011221332-915
20Hanna Rätsep03/18/19 21:2622222222-816
20Marcus Kivistik03/18/19 21:0022221223-816
20Agor Tõnuri03/18/19 21:3022122313-816
20Rando Järve03/18/19 21:2612221233-816
20Meeri Rätsep03/18/19 21:1522122232-816
20Tarvo Tats03/18/19 20:1521222322-816
20Meeri Rätsep03/18/19 21:2622222312-816
20Tarvo Tats03/18/19 20:4521222322-816
20Alan Kivistik03/18/19 21:0011222323-816
20Tarvo Tats03/18/19 21:1521222331-816
20Agor Tõnuri03/18/19 20:4532221213-816

Course statistics

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Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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