
DGS - Parcours de Jablines-Annet

  • Not in use 
  • Location: France, Seine-et-Marne, Jablines
  • Baskets: 18 Par: 58 Length: 2130m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 4°C 7.2 m/s WNW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Philippe Casenobe02/16/20 09:00333543346733534342+1068
2Alexis Pertsov02/16/20 13:30332443545924435243+1169
3Alexis Pertsov02/16/20 09:00334533356734643242+1270
4Mike O'Keefe02/16/20 09:00433343455634536244+1371
4Eric Shilliger02/16/20 13:30333375446634334343+1371
4Philippe Casenobe02/16/20 13:30433464344835334433+1371
7Nicolas Audat02/16/20 09:00242372467634533434+1472
7Thomas Wiart02/16/20 09:003344544341033434443+1472
9Johan Renaudier02/16/20 13:30333453454834336453+1573
9Jean-Marie Hallier02/16/20 09:00333445448744433442+1573
9Vincent Bernard02/16/20 13:30432444355734444454+1573
12Jean-Marie Hallier02/16/20 13:30443455564924333353+1775
12Vincent Zouz Roy02/16/20 13:303326335741035533343+1775
14Thomas Wiart02/16/20 13:30343663344845543353+1876
14Loic Dumont02/16/20 09:00433443475835436352+1876
14Gérard Morin02/16/20 09:003224634461125634434+1876
17Johan Renaudier02/16/20 09:00352543568835623432+1977
17Lucas Schilliger02/16/20 09:00443443464845534354+1977
19Arnaud Levenes02/16/20 13:30242465556645344553+2078
19Mike O'Keefe02/16/20 13:30522384437946334344+2078
19Alain Gerardin02/16/20 09:00433444447935434454+2078
19Nicolas Audat02/16/20 13:30432477466634444433+2078
19Vincent Zouz Roy02/16/20 09:00433444468535335554+2078
19Arnaud Levenes02/16/20 09:00333453457844435355+2078
25Bertrand Ecoutin02/16/20 09:00443455457935443334+2179
25Robin GOUGE02/16/20 09:00444563434935454453+2179
25Vincent Bernard02/16/20 09:00333643467835445443+2179
28Bertrand Ecoutin02/16/20 13:304234554871124335343+2280
28Eric Shilliger02/16/20 09:0042355344111135434342+2280
28Paul Ecoutin02/16/20 09:00333553476744535463+2280

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2020-02-16Challenge Ile de France 19-20 #5 Jablines → Manche 231Alexis Pertsov (11) | 3 7 5 2 1

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
