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  • Weather: 5°C 1.54 m/s E
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021+/-Sum
1Fabian Kaune07/18/20 09:30322223533233432222233-1456
2Kevin Konsorr07/18/20 14:30332323324222342342233-1357
3Fabian Kaune07/18/20 14:30432223534232332233332-1159
3Jan Bäss07/19/20 10:00423223444323332332223-1159
3David Strott07/18/20 09:30333223434222442332323-1159
6Hendrik Cieslik07/19/20 10:00322223634233433232224-1060
6Fabian Kaune07/19/20 10:00433323423332332234323-1060
6Jörg Eberts07/19/20 10:00423323434223333332233-1060
6Kevin Konsorr07/18/20 09:30422323434232442333223-1060
6Felix Bartling07/19/20 10:00422223434333442233223-1060
6Kevin Konsorr07/19/20 10:00442223436322433223222-1060
12Janek Möllhausen07/18/20 14:30424223434233432333223-961
13Jörg Eberts07/18/20 09:30323333434333333332233-862
13Jan Bäss07/18/20 14:30332333434323343324223-862
13Justus Friedrich07/19/20 10:00322333634232352322333-862
16Christoph Acktun07/18/20 09:30322324445233433233323-763
16Janek Möllhausen07/19/20 10:00332334534233442233223-763
16Jonny Munke07/18/20 09:30322323535233432332343-763
16Janek Möllhausen07/18/20 09:30323223435333443333223-763
16Jörg Eberts07/18/20 14:30432233535232542323223-763
16Marcel Krippendorf07/18/20 09:30323323435323353323323-763
16Mark Dreihahn07/18/20 09:30423234534333433232223-763
23Benjamin Hacker07/18/20 14:30323233435333442333323-664
23Benjamin Hacker07/19/20 10:00332324435233542233233-664
23David Strott07/18/20 14:30332323434233442433333-664
23Fabian Schilling07/18/20 09:30423333724223343332323-664
23Dennis Kubin07/18/20 14:30432333544222433333323-664
23Dennis Kubin07/19/20 10:00432323535333342233323-664
23Malte Cohrs07/18/20 14:30322333544332442333323-664
23Jonny Munke07/19/20 10:00333223534233443333323-664

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2020-07-198. Expo Open → Round 384Jan Bäss (-11) | 12 8 1
2020-07-188. Expo Open → Round 284Kevin Konsorr (-13) | 1 12 7 1
2020-07-188. Expo Open → Round 184Fabian Kaune (-14) | 1 12 8

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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