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  • Weather: 1°C 2.57 m/s N
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

1Pontus Netzell09/20/20 15:0033563445+133
2Olle Bogårdh09/20/20 15:0044554546+537
3Joakim Bergman09/20/20 15:0054465644+638
3Max Salo09/20/20 15:0074464544+638
5Linus Bäckström09/20/20 15:0054466545+739
6Niklas Nilsson09/20/20 11:0044485546+840
6Denniz Granell09/20/20 11:0054374845+840
6Linus Åkerlind09/20/20 15:0065456644+840
6Robin Berglund09/20/20 15:0054574654+840
6Stefan Åkerstedt09/20/20 15:0064385545+840
11Christer Frank09/20/20 15:0055376645+941
11Christian Neider09/20/20 15:0045555566+941
11Robert Samuelsson09/20/20 15:0065565545+941
11Mikael Brandt09/20/20 15:0054475736+941
11David Sandqvist09/20/20 11:0054485645+941
11Viktor Niemi09/20/20 15:0066553655+941
17Thorbjörn Johannesson09/20/20 15:0056485554+1042
18jonas axelsson09/20/20 11:0044495666+1244
18Gustav Grönhaug09/20/20 15:0058566545+1244
18Robert Hågebrand09/20/20 15:0054566855+1244
18Daniel Berglind09/20/20 15:0045595646+1244
22Daniel Frohm09/20/20 11:0054467847+1345
22Elias Brådenmark09/20/20 15:0074586555+1345
24Domingo Sjöstedt09/20/20 11:0056475586+1446
24Tobias Wallin09/20/20 11:0044784667+1446
24christoffer bergman09/20/20 15:0044586766+1446
27Carl Hedqvist09/20/20 15:0065585765+1547
27Simon Lindgren09/20/20 15:0055685657+1547
29Magnus Eriksson09/20/20 15:0065685666+1648
29Mikael bult09/20/20 15:0056566758+1648

Course statistics

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Course usage - monthly


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