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  • Weather: 2°C 4.12 m/s WSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Toad McReynolds08/22/20 16:30222323432332-631
2Will McCrary08/22/20 16:30222343532332-334
3Andreas Kucera08/22/20 16:30242322432452-235
3Kevin Schüler08/22/20 16:30333422332244-235
5Guido Reinhart08/22/20 16:30233335433232-136
6Paul Stolte08/22/20 16:30322323443434037
6Christoph schloetter08/22/20 16:30342333433342037
6Werner Riebesel08/22/20 16:30323334532342037
6Matthias Brandt08/22/20 16:30333233433343037
10Michael Schubert08/22/20 16:30324333443432+138
10Dirk Elze08/22/20 16:30333334433342+138
10Peter Böhm08/22/20 16:30233333433344+138
10Leo Scherzer08/22/20 16:30335333432342+138
10Luigi Walker08/22/20 16:30343433442332+138
10Conor O'Brien08/22/20 16:30323333543333+138
16Thomas Schubert08/22/20 16:30233334442335+239
16Felix Kalberlah08/22/20 16:30333433533342+239
16Willi Terbeck08/22/20 16:30322433542344+239
19Florian Steltner08/22/20 16:30332333634334+340
19Andreas Meischner08/22/20 16:30343332643342+340
21Doug Lally08/22/20 16:30333323652344+441
21Harald Kucera08/22/20 16:30443433533342+441
23Michael Schwarz08/22/20 16:30333433643334+542
23Mathias Fischbach08/22/20 16:30354333533244+542
23Erik Arndt08/22/20 16:30243543633342+542
23Hajo Lohbrandt08/22/20 16:30333433534344+542
27Tomás Pérez08/22/20 16:30433435533334+643
27Katharina Aschenbrenner08/22/20 16:30335443532353+643
29Timo Schuller08/22/20 16:30243463534343+744
29Sonja Reinhart08/22/20 16:30343333644344+744

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2020-08-22Südstaatentour 2020 → Nürnberg – 1. Luitpoldhain Open 22.08.2020 → 3. Runde37Toad McReynolds (-6) | 6 6

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined