
  • Location:
  • Baskets: 0 Par:
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  • Weather: 6°C 1.65 m/s NNW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Reinis Stalšāns12/20/20 13:28323234333-426
2Ingemārs Stalšāns12/20/20 13:28323344432-228
3Kārlis Kozulāns12/18/20 11:23323343443-129
3Ingemārs Stalšāns12/19/20 13:48223354433-129
5Ingemārs Stalšāns12/19/20 15:01633233343030
5Ingemārs Stalšāns12/20/20 12:19442334442030
5Gatis Rudiņš12/13/20 12:24343243443030
5Justs Jēkabsons12/19/20 13:48343344333030
5Gatis Rudiņš12/20/20 13:28424344432030
5Gatis Rudiņš12/12/20 12:04523244433030
5Rūdolfs Markuss Čeičs12/12/20 12:04323344452030
5Toms Šilde12/20/20 11:08333343443030
13Reinis Stalšāns12/05/20 13:05343334443+131
13Reinis Stalšāns12/05/20 14:25443234443+131
13Justs Jēkabsons12/19/20 15:01323353435+131
13Gatis Rudiņš12/20/20 12:19333344443+131
13Kārlis Kozulāns12/20/20 11:48532333444+131
18Reinis Stalšāns12/06/20 12:19433334453+232
18Gatis Rudiņš12/12/20 13:12333255443+232
18Juris Čeičs12/12/20 12:04344344442+232
18Juris Čeičs12/13/20 12:24543344432+232
18Toms Šilde12/20/20 11:48533343443+232
23Juris Čeičs12/12/20 10:51533344443+333
23Gatis Rudiņš12/12/20 10:51333356433+333
23Gatis Rudiņš12/05/20 13:05433245444+333
23Gints Mucenieks12/13/20 14:11544333452+333
23Reinis Stalšāns12/06/20 13:47643343433+333
23Ingemārs Stalšāns12/05/20 14:25333454434+333
23Kārlis Kozulāns12/07/20 14:30443353443+333
23Kārlis Kozulāns12/16/20 15:11535333443+333

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
No events found

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined