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  • Weather: 2°C 5.47 m/s S
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

1Rainers Balodis04/18/21 12:44122221312-1116
2Daniels Eihvalds09/16/23 18:00122221322-1017
2Ainis Liepa08/07/21 21:43112321322-1017
2Rainers Balodis06/18/22 19:00121221323-1017
2Ruta Strazdina09/16/23 18:00222321221-1017
6Ģirts Vicinskis04/18/21 12:44121241223-918
6Kristaps Grīnbergs07/10/21 09:33222222312-918
6Kristaps Kiršentāls07/10/21 09:33221221323-918
6Kristaps Prenclavs06/18/22 19:00122322222-918
6Kristaps Zalupe07/10/21 09:32123221214-918
6Kristaps Zalupe07/10/21 09:33122321322-918
6Miko Švenis07/10/21 09:33123131322-918
6Arturs Rullis09/16/23 18:00121322322-918
6Baiba04/18/21 14:13312222321-918
6Rainers Balodis09/16/23 18:00111111345-918
6Alfs Vilcāns05/14/22 09:00322221231-918
6Sandra Pēkšena08/03/24 20:00122221233-918
18Elīza Dalbiņa07/15/23 19:30141223123-819
18Kristaps Prenclavs07/10/21 09:32112232413-819
18Kristaps Prenclavs07/10/21 09:33123222322-819
18Alvis Rudzītis07/10/21 09:32112232224-819
18Gusts Vērdiņš08/03/24 20:00212133421-819
18Ingus Ziemelis04/18/21 14:13222221314-819
18Kristians Stalšāns09/16/23 18:00112323322-819
18Mārtiņš Vērdiņš07/10/21 09:32114422311-819
18Mārtiņš Vērdiņš07/10/21 09:33124322131-819
18Mārtiņš Vērdiņš08/03/24 20:00123221341-819
18Ingus Ziemelis07/10/21 09:33322222321-819
18Nils Rudiņš05/15/22 08:23222322213-819
18Nils Rudiņš07/15/23 19:30122321242-819

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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