
Les Evaux

  • Location: Switzerland, Les Evaux, Bernex
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 29 Length: 988m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 3°C 3.6 m/s N
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Taavi Kask08/01/21 13:10222235225-425
2Lukas Schär08/01/21 13:10232344332-326
2frederic keiflin08/01/21 13:10222344342-326
2Tony Ferro08/01/21 13:10332234333-326
5Martin Zürcher08/01/21 13:10323244333-227
5Simon Schnidrig08/01/21 13:10333343323-227
5David Hüsler08/01/21 13:10223234326-227
5Martin Jenny08/01/21 13:10333333333-227
9Paul Francz08/01/21 13:10332244325-128
9Brice DANIEL08/01/21 13:10233244433-128
9Jonas Snozzi08/01/21 13:10333344224-128
9Luca Hitz08/01/21 13:10334243234-128
13Alex Kuster08/01/21 13:10333254333029
13Christof Schlegel08/01/21 13:10333235334029
13Tabea Wallus08/01/21 13:10235344332029
13Jeremy Yager08/01/21 13:10333345332029
17Christophe Robert-Nicoud08/01/21 13:10333344334+130
17Samuel Baumgartner08/01/21 13:10343334334+130
17Lars Jaeger08/01/21 13:10433244334+130
20Melanie Meuter08/01/21 13:10533344333+231
21Dominik Jörger08/01/21 13:10335346332+332
21Mena Leuenberger08/01/21 13:10333364334+332
23Julia Burkhardt08/01/21 13:10324464433+433
23Bernard Kaeser08/01/21 13:10322365336+433
25Lino Tresch08/01/21 13:10343454245+534
25Werner Kuster08/01/21 13:10343365433+534
27Karin Rubin08/01/21 13:10435454334+635
27Iris Beyeler Ferro08/01/21 13:10334355345+635
29Turi Küttel08/01/21 13:10453354336+736
29Fritz Hürzeler08/01/21 13:10533465433+736

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2021-08-01Swiss Championships 2021 → Finals92

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
