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  • Weather: 16°C 1.54 m/s NNW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Peter Skeppstedt08/28/21 13:00333233333452333422-354
2Jānis Dombrovskis08/28/21 13:00232333233642323344-255
3Johan Ekblom08/28/21 13:00333343332553333442+259
4Kristoffer Nyberg08/28/21 13:00443322333562433433+360
5Anders Ortfelt08/28/21 13:00333433342742343433+461
6mikael persson08/28/21 13:00435343333563332334+663
6Jaak Tähnas08/28/21 13:00333543433352354433+663
8Martin Wejde08/28/21 13:00334335343653434433+966
9Anton Edlund08/28/21 13:00344543434562343433+1067
10Oscar Olsson Berglund08/28/21 13:00335544454763454534+2178
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Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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