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  • Weather: 4°C 8.75 m/s N
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Sten Fagernes06/10/22 22:19222232323244-731
1William Breivik06/11/22 22:00322332332233-731
3Thomas Helgesen06/11/22 22:00223332323243-632
3Åge Roaldsetli06/11/22 22:00332332332233-632
3Øyvind Jarnes06/11/22 22:00223232424233-632
6Kjetil Lian06/11/22 22:00322232333343-533
6Knut Håland06/11/22 22:00332332422333-533
8Eirik Jovall Nybakken06/10/22 22:19332334222254-335
8Lars Håland06/11/22 22:00322232543333-335
8Aksel Jensen06/11/22 22:00334342223333-335
11Thomas Rongve06/11/22 22:00322343333334-236
11Christoffer Holen06/11/22 22:00324322234353-236
11Simen Andersen06/11/22 22:00323233324533-236
14Andreas Ekremsæter06/11/22 22:00242334325234-137
15Kenneth Mansfield06/11/22 22:00233342333264038
15Rune Krogh Nøstdal06/10/22 22:19432332333345038
15Eivind Ulla06/11/22 22:00224334523334038
15Øystein Mongstad06/10/22 22:19334233433334038
15Filip Seth06/11/22 22:00323343523334038
20Leander Refvik06/11/22 22:00243254333334+139
21Vegard Bardalen06/11/22 22:00223344334354+240
21Preben Storsten06/11/22 22:00323344333354+240
21Espen André Lade06/11/22 22:00324342532354+240
21Kim Andre Krogsæter06/11/22 22:00222335625244+240
25Tor Arild Sandøy06/11/22 22:00333444434333+341
26Sivert Osen06/11/22 22:00334346422335+442
27Emma Rødstøl06/11/22 22:00333336633334+543
28Marius Urke06/11/22 22:002102235427234+846
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Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2022-06-11Diskgolfmaraton → Runde 6.24William Breivik (-7) | 7 5

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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