Talvekarikas Respo 2022
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Date, Time | Event name | Event type | Registration status | Number of registrants |
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Last 10 events with 10+ players
Date | Event name | Number of players | Best result |
2022-03-05 | TALVEKARIKAS 2021/22 → Talvekarikas RESPO → III RING | 47 | Roland Kõur, Magnus kõur (-12) | 13 1 1 |
2022-03-05 | TALVEKARIKAS 2021/22 → Talvekarikas RESPO → II RING | 48 | Roland Kõur, Magnus kõur (-13) | 13 2 |
2022-03-05 | TALVEKARIKAS 2021/22 → Talvekarikas RESPO → I RING | 48 | Heiki Kaldmaa, Heiko Liiv (-15) | 15 |