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  • Weather: 4°C 3.09 m/s SE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314+/-Sum
1Krasimir Yonkov07/10/22 13:0023233323332233-637
2Christian Haldemann07/10/22 13:0024433222333223-538
3Alexander Fasel07/10/22 13:0033243323332332-439
3Roger Grieb07/10/22 09:3032343323233233-439
5Jan Jungo07/10/22 13:0032333324242243-340
5Christof Schlegel07/10/22 13:0022362333332233-340
5Martin Zürcher07/10/22 13:0034232333433223-340
5Peter Leuenberger07/10/22 13:0033333323343322-340
5Jan Jungo07/10/22 09:3043342223342323-340
10Alexander Fasel07/10/22 09:3023433223443224-241
10Severin Maurer07/10/22 13:0044233333332224-241
10Tore Haugholt07/10/22 09:3044343322332233-241
13Christian Haldemann07/10/22 09:3034442433332232-142
13Noah Luard07/10/22 09:3033234233243343-142
13Roman Kuster07/10/22 09:3033442323333252-142
13Severin Maurer07/10/22 09:3035333333333232-142
13Noah Luard07/10/22 13:0033324323253324-142
13Tinu Schär07/10/22 13:0033343432334223-142
13Patrick Stalder07/10/22 13:0033343424332233-142
20Manuel Meyer07/10/22 13:0025342323443332043
20Martin Zürcher07/10/22 09:3033344324333233043
20Karin Rubin07/10/22 09:3034333423333243043
20Ricky Dietrich07/10/22 13:0034334234233243043
20Kaeser Manuel07/10/22 09:3032434422243334043
25Manuel Meyer07/10/22 09:3034343342343233+144
25Ivo Blättler07/10/22 13:0034434323422244+144
25Pascal Fasel07/10/22 13:0033352423333235+144
25Beat Schenk07/10/22 09:3024353434333223+144
25Ivo Blättler07/10/22 09:3035254323233333+144
25Mona Blättler07/10/22 09:3033244322543333+144

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2022-07-10Zähringer Cup → Deep in the Woods → Runde 254Krasimir Yonkov (-6) | 6 8
2022-07-10Zähringer Cup → Deep in the Woods → Runde 154Roger Grieb (-4) | 4 10

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined