
USI Innsbruck

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Austria, Innsbruck-Stadt, Innsbruck, Höttinger Au, Fürstenweg
  • Baskets: 18 Par: 55
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: -5°C 1.03 m/s N
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Florian Lingenhel03/27/22 13:30322222232223223222-1540
2Arno Lingenhel03/27/22 13:30222232233323323223-1144
2Jakob Ettlinger03/27/22 09:30222322323223242224-1144
4Arno Lingenhel03/27/22 09:30332232332323232232-1045
4Florian Lingenhel03/27/22 09:30322322332333232232-1045
4Jakob Ettlinger03/27/22 13:30322532232242232222-1045
7Alexander Rudolph03/27/22 13:30232334223224232323-847
7florian wallisch03/27/22 13:30222332233233332333-847
9Andreas Kirchmaier03/27/22 09:30222433423223332233-748
9Topias Moisa03/27/22 09:30422323233323353221-748
11Birgit Lingenhel03/27/22 13:30322332333323333233-649
11Topias Moisa03/27/22 13:30222234322323334423-649
13Andreas Kirchmaier03/27/22 13:30232435332223243322-550
14Lucas Konstantinoff03/27/22 09:30323224333333342233-451
15Andi Cziferszky03/27/22 13:30332333333324432233-352
16Birgit Lingenhel03/27/22 09:30322435332424432223-253
16Sebastian Meyer03/27/22 13:30323432333323432433-253
16Alexander Rudolph03/27/22 09:30323334323333422334-253
16florian wallisch03/27/22 09:30323332422424334432-253
20Sebastian Meyer03/27/22 09:30332334342324424324055
20Jochen König03/27/22 13:30333432333323343442055
20Gernot Hupfauf03/27/22 13:30323342333434342333055
20Patrick Hechenberger03/27/22 09:30343433332324343233055
24Patrick Hechenberger03/27/22 13:30342432234343432334+156
25Andreas Peter03/27/22 09:30332435334424432332+257
26Andi Cziferszky03/27/22 09:30323333433534442333+358
27Jochen König03/27/22 09:30433233433335342434+459
27Anthony Dunand03/27/22 13:30533354333254322234+459
27Anthony Dunand03/27/22 09:30223343344434343424+459
30Noriyuki Nishida03/27/22 09:30333433352434344324+560

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2022-03-27Tirol Tour 2022 → TAM 1 → TAM1_Runde 225Florian Lingenhel (-15) | 15 3
2022-03-27Tirol Tour 2022 → TAM 1 → TAM1_Runde 125Lucas Konstantinoff (-4) | 6 10 2

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
