
Kumm Final 9

  • Location: Austria, Perg, Sankt Thomas am Blasenstein, Ober Sankt Thomas
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 27
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 4°C 7.32 m/s W
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Florian Lingenhel05/01/22 13:30323322333-324
1Robin Binder05/01/22 13:30223323342-324
1Stefan Sonnleitner05/01/22 13:30333322323-324
4Lukas Froschauer05/01/22 13:30324323323-225
5Eric Osterwinter05/01/22 13:30323433242-126
5Albin Wirtl05/01/22 13:30323333333-126
5Laurenz Schaurhofer05/01/22 13:30324223334-126
5Arno Lingenhel05/01/22 13:30324332333-126
5Phillip Gould05/01/22 13:30223433333-126
5Christian Groffner05/01/22 13:30234422234-126
5David Blüher05/01/22 13:30333334223-126
12Daniel Maier05/01/22 13:30323433333027
12Leon Sonnleitner05/01/22 13:30325323333027
12Sebastian Weilhartner05/01/22 13:30323442324027
12Christoph Blöschl05/01/22 13:30223334334027
12Wolfgang Aichinger05/01/22 13:30423333324027
17Peter Prinz05/01/22 13:30323343343+128
17Christian Klima05/01/22 13:30324433333+128
17Alexander Horvath05/01/22 13:30225434422+128
17Samuel Gould05/01/22 13:30324343333+128
17Günther Kaimberger05/01/22 13:30424333333+128
17Stefan Gollinger05/01/22 13:30225443323+128
17Martin Josef Nittmann05/01/22 13:30323434423+128
17Peter Pichler05/01/22 13:30323334433+128
25Johannes Petz05/01/22 13:30432435323+229
25Sascha Derp05/01/22 13:30323333453+229
25Susanne Giendl05/01/22 13:30333533333+229
25Roland Wieland05/01/22 13:30325334333+229
29Georg Grubner05/01/22 13:30334533342+330
29Gerald Wölbl05/01/22 13:30334333443+330

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2022-05-01KUMM Anders Golfen Challenge → Final 970

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
