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  • Weather: 14°C 5.81 m/s SSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

1Antti Hausen07/04/22 06:3043233-215
1Antti Hausen07/04/22 07:3043323-215
3Antti Pajunen07/04/22 07:3043333-116
3Janne Johansson07/04/22 06:3043333-116
3Janne Johansson07/04/22 07:3043333-116
3Janne Toivonen07/04/22 06:3043333-116
3Janne Toivonen07/04/22 07:3043333-116
3Jussi Tenhunen07/04/22 07:3043333-116
3Pekka Lampila07/04/22 06:3043333-116
3Perttu Niitynpää07/04/22 06:3043333-116
3Riku Loman07/04/22 06:3034333-116
3Riku Loman07/04/22 07:3043333-116
13Pekka Lampila07/04/22 07:3043343017
13Jussi Tenhunen07/04/22 06:3043334017
15Janne Vainio07/04/22 06:3053325+118
15Perttu Niitynpää07/04/22 07:3044334+118
15Santeri Oksman07/04/22 06:3054333+118
18Janne Vainio07/04/22 07:3054334+219
18Antti Pajunen07/04/22 06:3054334+219
18Santeri Oksman07/04/22 07:3044434+219
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Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2022-07-04TAMINA 22 → Tamina 22, rata 1, kierros 210
2022-07-04TAMINA 22 → Tamina 22 rata 1, kierros 110

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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