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  • Weather: 24°C 5.14 m/s ENE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910+/-Sum
1Christian Jillich11/26/22 20:004333453334035
2Axel Küpper11/26/22 20:003345323454+136
2Joshua Nokel11/26/22 17:004344433344+136
4Axel Küpper11/26/22 17:004344533344+237
4Christian Jillich11/26/22 17:004353433345+237
4Joshua Nokel11/26/22 20:004343533354+237
4Stephen Chilton Defty11/26/22 20:004344323356+237
8Stephen Chilton Defty11/26/22 17:004344354344+338
9Jonathan Pfizenmaier11/26/22 20:005345444364+742
10Joachim Liebers11/26/22 20:005454344446+843
10Joachim Liebers11/26/22 17:004454353456+843
12Jonathan Pfizenmaier11/26/22 17:004374564344+944
12Ilja Müller11/26/22 17:006544454453+944
14Sebastian Braun11/26/22 20:004454534376+1045
14Dirk Rüterbusch11/26/22 17:004445554473+1045
14Matthias Pfizenmaier11/26/22 20:004454734455+1045
17Sebastian Braun11/26/22 17:004565644373+1247
17andreas kristen11/26/22 20:004464444458+1247
17Matthias Pfizenmaier11/26/22 17:005455444466+1247
17Dirk Rüterbusch11/26/22 20:005454444674+1247
21Ilja Müller11/26/22 20:005564464447+1449
21Inken Trebbin11/26/22 17:005344644487+1449
23Christian Nokel11/26/22 17:006565454466+1651
24Christian Nokel11/26/22 20:006565455475+1752
24andreas kristen11/26/22 17:005566444468+1752
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