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  • Weather: 3°C 0.45 m/s E
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
1Jan Suhrheinrich03/11/23 09:003223322232322-831
1Marcel Krippendorf03/11/23 10:452323232232232-831
3Marcel Krippendorf03/11/23 09:003323322332222-732
3Lennard Staszyk03/11/23 13:452233232223224-732
3Michel Voigt03/11/23 10:453333222332222-732
3Michel Voigt03/11/23 13:452224223332322-732
7Justus Friedrich03/11/23 09:002234242232232-633
7Connor Mussmann03/11/23 13:452323322332233-633
9Daniel Klein03/12/23 13:303433322222323-534
9Christian Caßebaum03/11/23 13:452223323422333-534
11Justus Friedrich03/11/23 13:453333242232323-435
11Carsten Rohrmann03/12/23 10:453223323333323-435
11Martin Reckmann03/12/23 13:303234224332322-435
11Michel Voigt03/11/23 09:003343332232322-435
11Luca Kienel03/11/23 10:453242224232234-435
11Luca Kienel03/11/23 13:453234322332332-435
11Ruben Timmerman03/11/23 09:002233243333232-435
11Simon Guder03/11/23 13:453334233232223-435
19Benjamin Hacker03/12/23 09:004323233233233-336
19Elmar Bode03/12/23 10:453223342334232-336
19Philipp Horstmann03/11/23 10:454323223233234-336
19Maximilian Röckrath03/11/23 10:453233322432333-336
19Rudi Strijker03/11/23 09:003333323332323-336
19Luca Kienel03/11/23 09:003224242232334-336
19Stefan Heine03/12/23 13:303323323232433-336
19Sven Olbers03/11/23 10:453334224232332-336
19Sven Ostendarp03/12/23 13:302233324332432-336
28Dennis Burstyn03/12/23 13:303333323332225-237
28Jan Suhrheinrich03/11/23 10:453225322334233-237
28Janne Timm Feldhoff03/11/23 13:454323322234225-237

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
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Last 10 events with 10+ players

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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