
Dolní Němčí

  • Location: Czech Republic, Uherské Hradiště, Dolní Němčí, Na Výsluní II
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 27 Length: 457m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: -3°C 0.58 m/s NNW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

1Martin Bříštěla02/25/23 08:02223223332-522
2Nenad Nedeljkovic02/25/23 08:02223233242-423
2Radek Cizmar02/25/23 08:01233223332-423
4Martin Bříštěla02/25/23 08:00323323233-324
5Jan Marek02/25/23 08:01323323333-225
5Martin Bříštěla02/25/23 08:03234323233-225
5David Hegr02/25/23 08:00323323423-225
5Nenad Nedeljkovic02/25/23 08:03233223343-225
5Radek Cizmar02/25/23 08:00233323243-225
5Martin Bříštěla02/25/23 08:01244322332-225
5Tomáš Pokorný02/25/23 08:01334223422-225
12Jan Marek02/25/23 08:03224333342-126
12Pavel Ševčík02/25/23 08:02333322343-126
12Nenad Nedeljkovic02/25/23 08:00233233343-126
12Nenad Nedeljkovic02/25/23 08:01334223243-126
12Stanislav Straškrába02/25/23 08:03235323233-126
12Jan Marek02/25/23 08:00232333334-126
18Pavel Ševčík02/25/23 08:01333233334027
18David Hegr02/25/23 08:03334423332027
18David Hegr02/25/23 08:01324323334027
18David Hegr02/25/23 08:02443323242027
18Pavel Fridrich02/25/23 08:01234234333027
18Pavel Fridrich02/25/23 08:03244323333027
18Tomáš Pokorný02/25/23 08:03333333333027
25Pavel Fridrich02/25/23 08:02334333243+128
25Josef Trachtulec02/25/23 08:02344422342+128
25Tomáš Pokorný02/25/23 08:02333343342+128
25Josef Trachtulec02/25/23 08:00343333333+128
29Pavel Ševčík02/25/23 08:03344322344+229
29Pavel Zemánek02/25/23 08:00343323344+229

Course statistics

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