
Havlíčkův Brod

  • Location: Czech Republic, Havlíčkův Brod, Chotěbořská
  • Baskets: 12 Par: 36 Length: 744m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 4°C 7.17 m/s WSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Michal Kundera08/19/23 18:40233223222323-729
2Martin Engelmann08/19/23 18:40332322332333-432
2Michael Studnička08/20/23 12:30333223323323-432
2David Svítil08/19/23 19:51223223243423-432
2Michal Kundera08/19/23 19:51322323223424-432
2Michal Kundera08/20/23 12:30243322222334-432
2Václav Manych08/19/23 19:51223323424232-432
8Sébastien Daňhel08/19/23 19:51322233224334-333
8Sébastien Daňhel08/20/23 12:30232324323423-333
8Sébastien Daňhel08/19/23 18:40323223323433-333
8Václav Manych08/20/23 12:30322332223443-333
12Tobiáš Daňhel08/19/23 18:40242233133335-234
12David Svítil08/19/23 18:40222324234433-234
12Jiří Zeman08/19/23 18:40233224233433-234
15Tomáš Vajda08/19/23 18:40232233334433-135
15Michael Studnička08/19/23 18:40233433223433-135
15Tobiáš Daňhel08/19/23 19:51222334324334-135
18Aleš Jehlička08/19/23 19:51332423233335036
18Ládyn Bartoň08/20/23 12:30332324323335036
18Tomáš Vajda08/20/23 12:30233223334533036
18Daniel Číhal08/19/23 18:40322222244553036
18Jakub Čáp08/19/23 19:51322323343434036
23Josef Trachtulec08/20/23 12:30332323423534+137
23Aleš Jehlička08/19/23 18:40333333233434+137
23Václav Manych08/19/23 18:40332342333434+137
23Michael Studnička08/19/23 19:51332343323443+137
23Martin Bříštěla08/19/23 18:40322333234336+137
23Zdeněk Hotovec08/20/23 12:30332323333444+137
29Aleš Jehlička08/20/23 12:30333234233534+238
29Jakub Čáp08/20/23 12:30323244233453+238

Course statistics

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Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
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Last 10 events with 10+ players

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
