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  • Weather: 13°C 8.94 m/s WSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

1Thomas Nylund04/23/23 10:00243654422224343242232444424232-1394
2Ville Piippo04/23/23 10:00334543423224344355223334334323-998
3Jukka Rasila04/23/23 10:00244563553324355353332435535332+4111
4Randel Reineberg04/23/23 10:00235455632325455453332355434333+5112
5Teijo Petäjäjärvi04/23/23 10:00333563634235446473223446523332+6113
6Sami Matti Blom04/23/23 10:00433563523334566346323435536342+10117
7Seppo Kurkela04/23/23 10:00354563632244574353323444636333+11118
8Olli-Pekka Niemi04/23/23 10:00345554723334455463232437534533+12119
9jari Väyrynen04/23/23 10:00356454453333475454323367734433+18125
10Susanna Lindqvist04/23/23 10:00444673752435456364423454444343+19126
11Pentti Herranen04/23/23 10:00344763743245485463233467534433+22129
12Juha-Matti Pietilä04/23/23 10:004557747252365563433365510536433+32139
13Jenni Grönvall04/23/23 10:00467589856356586363333755859334+54161
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Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2023-04-23Meikun metkut14Thomas Nylund (-13) | 16 11 3

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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