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  • Weather: 1°C 2.68 m/s SW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314+/-Sum
1Connor Wood07/02/23 14:4023222333313233-735
2Simon Achermann07/02/23 09:3022323224324223-636
3Christian Reinsch07/02/23 09:3023322233342323-537
3Johan Walstam07/02/23 11:0022322233332244-537
3patrick schweizer07/02/23 11:0032425223222233-537
3Philipp Rosenast07/02/23 09:3022224333342223-537
3Connor Wood07/02/23 11:0023224223323234-537
8Johan Walstam07/02/23 14:4022342344322322-438
8Manuel Meyer07/02/23 11:0022332334332233-438
8Manuel Schuler07/02/23 09:3024324324223223-438
8Alexander Sessler07/02/23 11:0043223324232332-438
8Alexander Sessler07/02/23 09:3023223232344233-438
8Christian Reinsch07/02/23 11:0033424222233233-438
8Simon Achermann07/02/23 14:4023223323424323-438
15Jonas Snozzi07/02/23 14:4023322225333234-339
15Simon Achermann07/02/23 11:0043223332335222-339
15Martin Zürcher07/02/23 09:3023333324323233-339
18Roman Elsener07/02/23 11:0022224243432334-240
18patrick schweizer07/02/23 09:3022224237323233-240
18Mona Blättler07/02/23 11:0032333323442233-240
18Noah Kesseli07/02/23 11:0022334334232234-240
18Valentin Vogt07/02/23 09:3032442234232333-240
23Christopher Walker07/02/23 09:3033221432453333-141
23Christopher Walker07/02/23 11:0033422323622225-141
23Christopher Walker07/02/23 14:4033234223234523-141
23Marc Broghammer07/02/23 14:4033333244322324-141
23Severin Maurer07/02/23 14:4033422235433223-141
23Marco Puliafito07/02/23 14:4033323342233334-141
23Connor Wood07/02/23 09:3023234424332333-141
23Jonas Snozzi07/02/23 09:3023324333432333-141

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2023-07-02K2 Birdie Fest → Runde 354Connor Wood (-7) | 1 5 8
2023-07-02K2 Birdie Fest → Runde 254patrick schweizer (-5) | 8 4 1 1
2023-07-02K2 Birdie Fest → Runde 154Falk Daubner (31) | 2 2 2 8

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined