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  • Weather: -6°C 0.51 m/s N
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Jakob Ettlinger04/14/24 13:30223223222333223222-1442
2Arno Lingenhel04/14/24 13:30232233422233222323-1145
3Jakob Ettlinger04/14/24 09:30222223432342233232-1046
3Lukas Perro04/14/24 13:30232233332333233222-1046
5Karin Baum04/14/24 09:30233233323332323322-947
5Malte Kück04/14/24 13:30242333322233222324-947
5Noah Solerti04/14/24 13:30332232323333232233-947
8Lukas Perro04/14/24 09:30222233223233443323-848
9florian wallisch04/14/24 13:30322433332343223223-749
9Karin Baum04/14/24 13:30233333323333232332-749
11Arno Lingenhel04/14/24 09:30223323422433433223-650
12Florian Kotlaba04/14/24 09:30233333442333233323-452
12Birgit Lingenhel04/14/24 13:30223443332333333233-452
12Patrik Solerti04/14/24 13:30233332422335332234-452
15Florian Kotlaba04/14/24 13:30233323352335332242-353
15Noah Solerti04/14/24 09:30334322222463432332-353
15Julius Sturm04/14/24 13:30224333333353332332-353
15Patrick Hechenberger04/14/24 13:30332333322353423333-353
15Patrik Solerti04/14/24 09:30234432322345223333-353
15Malte Kück04/14/24 09:30224343342432433232-353
21Andreas Kirchmaier04/14/24 09:30223333332333453324-254
21Ander Auer04/14/24 13:30223333234455222324-254
21Jochen König04/14/24 09:30223234324444342224-254
21florian wallisch04/14/24 09:30233434232433333333-254
21Elisabeth Schmidhammer04/14/24 13:30223332334274232342-254
21Sebastian Baumgartner04/14/24 13:30223332343344334323-254
27Florian Kamp04/14/24 09:30332335323423335233-155
27Matthias Pfötscher04/14/24 09:30423434332443333232-155
27Florian Kamp04/14/24 13:30222333442343333533-155
27Peter Sturm04/14/24 13:30234433332354233323-155

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2024-04-14Tirol Tour → TAM 1 → Runde 242Jakob Ettlinger (-14) | 14 4
2024-04-14Tirol Tour → TAM 1 → Runde 142Jakob Ettlinger (-10) | 1 9 7 1

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


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