
Ballan-Miré - Bois de cinquième

  • Location: France, Indre-et-Loire, Ballan-Miré, Boulevard des Prés
  • Baskets: 15 Par: 49 Length: 1439m
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  • Weather: 10°C 7.2 m/s WNW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)
  • Course map


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415+/-Sum
1Patrick LASSALLE05/23/24 18:30353265333332+141
1Vincent Lesoult05/23/24 18:30333355433432+141
3Vincent Jautrou05/23/24 18:30432466333333+343
3Félix Bunel05/23/24 18:30333454333354+343
5Jérôme Hardouin05/23/24 18:30433475433333+545
6Félix Bunel08/29/24 18:30232255432232524-346
7Maxime Ramage06/25/24 18:30332257334333222-247
7franck pagnier07/04/24 18:30333332255343323-247
7Boris Gingreau07/04/24 18:30333332264323334-247
7Maxime Ramage05/23/24 18:30444376433423+747
11Félix Bunel06/11/24 18:30343255233433224-148
11Hervé Bach07/09/24 18:30233233265333334-148
13Hervé Bach05/23/24 18:30345475334353+949
13Matthieu Plou05/23/24 18:30344377433434+949
13Jean-Philippe BLOT05/23/24 18:30343466354344+949
13Maxime Ramage06/06/24 18:30342275423333332049
17Maxime Ramage07/09/24 18:30332242556423333+150
17Jérôme Hardouin06/06/24 18:30433374333243332+150
19Félix Bunel07/09/24 18:30334342274343333+251
19Vincent Lesoult05/28/24 18:30343357333234332+251
21Jérôme Hardouin05/28/24 18:30332466344333233+352
21Vincent Lesoult08/29/24 18:30432465523424233+352
23Matthieu Plou07/09/24 18:30533432455423433+453
23Maxime Ramage06/11/24 18:30354266332335323+453
23Jérôme Hardouin06/25/24 18:30344455433432243+453
26Maxime Ramage05/28/24 18:30344446444323333+554
26PAV06/25/24 18:30442455434334333+554
26Maxime Ramage08/29/24 18:30333455443433343+554
29Patrick LASSALLE05/28/24 18:30344456444333233+655
29Vincent Jautrou06/06/24 18:30342655433234443+655

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2024-06-06Summer Tour Tours → STT #310Maxime Ramage (0) | 4 8 2 1

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
