
Galgenberg Nürtingen (DFCN e. V.)

  • Location: Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Nürtingen, Stuttgarter Straße 1
  • Baskets: 12 Par: 40 Length: 1030m
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 4°C 7.72 m/s W
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Andreas Wünsche12/08/24 11:30323233232323-931
1Lukas Volz12/08/24 11:30323233232323-931
1Stefan Kadelbach12/08/24 11:30224332232323-931
4Marko Götz12/08/24 11:30323233333332-733
4Sven Raff12/08/24 11:30323233333332-733
6Ben Schubert12/08/24 11:30323233432333-634
6Björn Peter12/08/24 11:30223332343432-634
6Markus Hybl12/08/24 10:00323232334333-634
6Markus Hybl12/08/24 11:30333332332333-634
6Christian Bendig12/08/24 11:30223332343432-634
6Joseph Hanke12/08/24 11:30323233432333-634
6Tobias Bäurle12/08/24 11:30333332332333-634
13Ben Schubert12/08/24 10:00234233343323-535
13Angela Junginger12/08/24 11:30333333332423-535
13James Holland12/08/24 10:00424233232433-535
13James Holland12/08/24 11:30233233333334-535
13Jannik Hensle12/08/24 11:30333333332423-535
13Sven Raff12/08/24 10:00424233232433-535
13Joseph Hanke12/08/24 10:00234233343323-535
13Benjamin Walther12/08/24 11:30233233333334-535
21Benjamin Walther12/08/24 10:00223243344333-436
21Christof Maier12/08/24 11:30334232332533-436
21Dennis Kaes12/08/24 11:30334232332533-436
21Stefan Kadelbach12/08/24 10:00223243344333-436
25Dennis Kaes12/08/24 10:00333233244424-337
25Marko Götz12/08/24 10:00333234334423-337
25Andreas Wünsche12/08/24 10:00333234334423-337
25Jannik Hensle12/08/24 10:00334333334323-337
25Tobias Bäurle12/08/24 10:00334333334323-337
25Lukas Volz12/08/24 10:00333233244424-337

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
No events found

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly
