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  • Baskets: 0 Par:
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  • Weather: 1°C 4.13 m/s SSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Ari Björklund06/20/16 18:303-13
1Dennis Walander07/11/16 18:303-13
1Jere peräkylä05/16/16 18:303-13
1Kasperi05/30/16 18:303-13
1Kasperi Peräkylä07/11/16 18:303-13
1Michael Henriksson07/11/16 18:303-13
1Rasmus Bergman05/30/16 18:303-13
1Victor Hydén05/30/16 18:303-13
1Victor Hydén06/20/16 18:303-13
1Victor Hydén07/11/16 18:303-13
1Ville Larsen05/16/16 18:303-13
1Ville Larsen05/23/16 18:303-13
1Ville Larsen06/13/16 18:303-13
14Janne Sulkama06/20/16 18:30404
14andreas kekki06/20/16 18:30404
14Jere peräkylä06/20/16 18:30404
14Jere peräkylä07/11/16 18:30404
14kanki05/23/16 18:30404
14Kasperi05/23/16 18:30404
14Anton Henriksson05/16/16 18:30404
14Kasperi06/20/16 18:30404
14Antti Kämäräinen05/16/16 18:30404
14Marko Kindstedt05/16/16 18:30404
14Marko Kindstedt05/23/16 18:30404
14Marko Kindstedt06/13/16 18:30404
14Marko Kindstedt06/20/16 18:30404
14Matte Nylander07/11/16 18:30404
14Michael Henriksson05/30/16 18:30404
14Ari Björklund06/13/16 18:30404
14Niklas Rödblom05/30/16 18:30404

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2016-07-11Pernå Discgolf Viikkokisat v.2820Kasperi Peräkylä (-1) | 6 8 3 1
2016-06-20Pernå Discgolf Viikkokisat v.2524Niko Silander (-4) | 7 8 3
2016-06-13Pernå Discgolf Viikkokisat v.2421Kasperi (2) | 6 5 6 1
2016-05-30Pernå Discgolf Viikkokisa v.2214Kasperi (-3) | 7 8 2 1
2016-05-23Pernå Discgolf Viikkokisa v.2116Kasperi (-2) | 5 10 3
2016-05-16Pernå Discgolf Viikkokisa v.2021Kasperi (-2) | 7 7 3 1
2016-05-09Pernå Discgolf Viikkokisa v.1915kasperi peräkylä (0) | 6 9 1 1 1

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined