
Paimio Discgolfpark

  • Location: Finland, Varsinais-Suomi, Paimio
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 27
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 25°C 3.13 m/s SSE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Sami Hyvönen09/10/17 13:25224422223-423
2Antti Kemppainen08/13/20 18:16342322422-324
2Juha Hukka09/06/18 18:00333323322-324
2Juha Hukka05/23/19 18:00333232323-324
2Mauri Lokkila09/23/17 10:05233233332-324
2Mauri Lokkila09/23/17 11:30333322332-324
2Antti Juhani Kemppainen05/23/19 19:10222342333-324
2Tero Hillosalo09/26/17 16:38223332423-324
2Tero Hillosalo11/21/17 08:30333332322-324
10Niko Aaltonen04/15/18 18:19233332333-225
10Priit Bankier05/17/18 15:27223323532-225
10Juha Hukka09/05/19 18:00333333223-225
10Miikka Härö05/23/19 19:10322333432-225
10Miikka Härö09/05/19 14:40334331332-225
15Miikka Härö05/23/19 18:00333233333-126
15Juha Hukka09/05/19 14:40343333232-126
15Antti Juhani Kemppainen05/23/19 18:00233432423-126
15Miikka Härö09/05/19 18:00343423223-126
15Mirko Toivonen09/05/19 14:40333333332-126
15Lauri Valovuo04/15/18 18:16323343422-126
15Marko Vesterlund05/23/19 18:00323332433-126
15Eetu Hartikainen09/10/17 13:25332343422-126
15Juha Hukka05/23/19 19:10333333332-126
15Miikka Härö09/06/18 18:00332332433-126
25Mika Haapalainen05/23/19 19:10333333333027
25Mika Haapalainen09/05/19 14:40334342323027
25Mika Packalen09/05/19 14:40333332343027
25Mirko Toivonen09/06/18 19:15333333333027
25Miikka Härö09/06/18 19:15433332333027
25Mirko Toivonen09/05/19 18:00334423233027

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined