
  • Location:
  • Baskets: 0 Par:
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  • Weather: 6°C 0.45 m/s SW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Martin Löf08/15/16 08:401010101091-650
2Marcus Westberg08/15/16 08:4010101010101-551
2Markus Källström08/15/16 08:4010101010101-551
2Åke Wallbäcks08/15/16 08:4010101010101-551
5Jonas Brolin08/15/16 08:4010101010103-353
5Viktor Jonsson08/15/16 08:4010101010103-353
7Andreas Lindström08/15/16 08:4010101010104-254
7Anders Winka08/15/16 08:4010101010104-254
9Johan Lago08/15/16 08:4010101010105-155
9Mats Huldt08/15/16 08:4010101010105-155
9Robin Villman08/15/16 08:4010101010105-155
9Jonas Garnäs08/15/16 08:4010101010105-155
13Rasmus Jonsson08/15/16 08:4010101010106056
13Emil Håkansson08/15/16 08:4010101010106056
13Petri08/15/16 08:4015101010101056
16Roger Jansson08/15/16 08:4010101010107+157
16Olov Dalborg08/15/16 08:4010101010107+157
16William Nilsson08/15/16 08:4010101010107+157
19Robert Thunström08/15/16 08:4010101010108+258
19Fredrik Hemgren08/15/16 08:4010101010108+258
19Per Magnusson08/15/16 08:4010101010108+258
19Fredrik Bodell08/15/16 08:4010101010108+258
19Mattias Didriksson08/15/16 08:4010101010108+258
24Peter Edh08/15/16 08:4010101010109+359
24Mats Westberg08/15/16 08:4010101010109+359
24Pär Möller08/15/16 08:4010101010109+359
24Wille Wannberg08/15/16 08:4010101010109+359
24Daniel Edberg08/15/16 08:4010101010109+359
29Magnus Hansson08/15/16 08:40101010101010+460
29Mikael Zewgren08/15/16 08:40101010101010+460

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2016-08-15Veckogolf Gefle FDC → Veckogolf Gefle FDC90Martin Löf (-6) | 1 4

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined