
Freizeitanlage Reken

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Germany, Münsterland, Reken
  • Baskets: 12 Par: 40
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 7°C 6.2 m/s WSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Jonas Steermann10/10/16 09:31332333233333-634
1Marvin Hartmann10/10/16 09:31332433223333-634
3Christian Caßebaum10/10/16 09:31233534233323-436
4Julian Leichert10/10/16 09:31333423334423-337
4Jonas Knapp10/10/16 09:31344424224332-337
6Dirk Haase10/10/16 09:31324533333423-238
6Fabian Purwins10/10/16 09:31342434223533-238
6Torsten Offermanns10/10/16 09:31333443333324-238
9Dennis Burstyn10/10/16 09:31333434233443-139
9Nils Nicolaisen10/10/16 09:31442433334423-139
9David Strott10/10/16 09:31344334233343-139
12Frank Lamertz10/10/16 09:31334443244423040
12Christian Morisse10/10/16 09:31233535333433040
12Stefan Glaubitz10/10/16 09:31433334343433040
12Maik Hartmann10/10/16 09:31233634523333040
16Daniel Klein10/10/16 09:31352534334333+141
16Frank Mischke10/10/16 09:31343524343433+141
18Jörg Benner10/10/16 09:31344535333333+242
18Sven Ostendarp10/10/16 09:31434534343324+242
18Martin Zierke10/10/16 09:31243544333434+242
21Sascha Frenz10/10/16 09:31443633333434+343
21Sebastian Stroop10/10/16 09:31343634433433+343
21Dirk Balduhn10/10/16 09:31444533243533+343
21Lukas Nicolaisen10/10/16 09:31343543253353+343
21Jörg Dobrunz10/10/16 09:31333444354433+343
21Ulrich Berg10/10/16 09:31433624344433+343
27Martzin Kosiek10/10/16 09:31343624344434+444
27Jürgen Schwingler10/10/16 09:31443633443433+444
27Nils Gür10/10/16 09:31363543233354+444
27Benjamin Hacker10/10/16 09:31355534344233+444

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2016-10-10Westdeutsche Meisterschaft → 3. Runde45Marvin Hartmann (-6) | 6 6

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined