
Waldschwimmbad Reloaded Finale

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Germany, Hessen, Rüsselsheim
  • Baskets: 9 Par: 27
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: 4°C 4.12 m/s ENE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

1Christian Plaue10/02/16 13:30322424332-225
1Kevin Konsorr10/02/16 13:30333332323-225
3Michael Stelzer10/02/16 13:30334333232-126
4Sven Rippel10/02/16 13:30333433323027
4Wolfgang Kraus10/02/16 13:30433332333027
6Michael Kobella10/02/16 13:30333334324+128
6Franz-Josef Hemmer10/02/16 13:30332332363+128
6Dennis Possen10/02/16 13:30434432233+128
6Klaus Kattwinkel10/02/16 13:30333432532+128
10Christopher Longmire10/02/16 13:30235432433+229
10Henrik Streit10/02/16 13:30233345333+229
10Emanuel Kroll10/02/16 13:30334432433+229
10Frank Hellstern10/02/16 13:30533332433+229
14Toad McReynolds10/02/16 13:30333543243+330
14Tobias Schulz10/02/16 13:30434432352+330
14Maik Hartmann10/02/16 13:30352533333+330
17Tobias Fuchs10/02/16 13:30433542343+431
18Andrei Betea10/02/16 13:30543334262+532
18Christine Hellstern10/02/16 13:30344444333+532
18Antonia Faber10/02/16 13:30435443333+532
21David Strott10/02/16 13:30344434533+633
21Dominik Hemmer10/02/16 13:30343442553+633
21Michael Malz10/02/16 13:30533334435+633
21Lucca Seipenbusch10/02/16 13:30634442433+633
21Wiebke Becker10/02/16 13:30334444443+633
21Sven Kurio10/02/16 13:30433443534+633
27Richard Spear10/02/16 13:30435343444+734
27Christian Hildebrand10/02/16 13:30544532533+734
27Werner Riebesel10/02/16 13:30343553434+734
27Frank Buchholz10/02/16 13:30344444353+734

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2016-10-02Waldschwimmbad Reloaded 2 Major → Finale44Christian Plaue (-4) | 1 3 4 1

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined