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  • Baskets: 0 Par:
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  • Weather: 6°C 1.38 m/s SE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1David Strott02/11/17 11:00434442433322-138
1Torsten Offermanns02/11/17 11:00433333433432-138
3David Strott02/11/17 09:00334334442522039
4Christian Caßebaum02/11/17 14:00444433443322+140
4Simon Held02/11/17 09:00435333343333+140
4Benjamin Hacker02/11/17 09:00444433433332+140
7Jörg Farwick02/11/17 11:00344444433332+241
7Marcus Dziuba02/11/17 14:00454233443333+241
7Daniel Kindermann02/11/17 14:00444344433323+241
7Sven Ostendarp02/11/17 09:00444334433432+241
7David Strott02/11/17 14:00444363333332+241
12Jörg Dobrunz02/11/17 11:00544343433432+342
12Jörg Farwick02/11/17 09:00444433443432+342
12Daniel Kindermann02/11/17 09:00444433443333+342
12Marcus Dziuba02/11/17 09:00444433443333+342
12Marcus Dziuba02/11/17 11:00544344342432+342
12Daniel Kindermann02/11/17 11:00445342433433+342
12Sebastian Ansahl02/11/17 11:00544333543332+342
12Benjamin Hacker02/11/17 11:00544343433333+342
12Simon Held02/11/17 11:00544343434332+342
12Johann Höptner02/11/17 09:00454343533332+342
12Johann Höptner02/11/17 11:00454333452432+342
12Torsten Offermanns02/11/17 14:00534533343432+342
12Uli Finke02/11/17 09:00444343443432+342
25Dennis Burstyn02/11/17 09:00444443443432+443
25Dirk Haase02/11/17 11:00444443433433+443
25Tobias Janson02/11/17 11:00444433444333+443
25Johann Höptner02/11/17 14:00544352443333+443
25Kevin Fischer02/11/17 09:00534334433533+443
25Kristoffer Kranzusch02/11/17 09:00444244534333+443

Course statistics

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Course usage - monthly


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