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  • Baskets: 0 Par:
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  • Weather: 1°C 8.23 m/s SSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Eivo Kisand04/15/18 10:29224223233262-533
1Kaarel Kohler07/15/19 19:23233233233342-533
3Kaarel Kohler07/15/19 21:03242333242333-434
4Eivo Kisand04/19/18 18:16243233334242-335
4Margus ja Jaanus06/17/18 19:41223343233343-335
6Kris Neufeld04/19/18 18:16233334343332-236
6Lauris Kruusamäe07/15/19 22:30333344233332-236
6Jaanus Sellin07/15/19 22:30333334243242-236
6Margus Sellin07/15/19 22:30233243233362-236
6Siim Remmelgas07/15/19 21:03333334333242-236
6Taisto Vao04/19/18 18:16233333343342-236
12Margus Sellin07/15/19 19:23234334333342-137
12Lauris Kruusamäe07/15/19 21:03333434243242-137
12Priit Kudre07/25/19 21:06333333333532-137
12Eivo Kisand08/17/18 19:01334334333233-137
12Taisto Vao04/15/18 11:49332333334343-137
12Jaanus Sellin07/15/19 21:03332333344333-137
12Taisto Vao04/19/18 19:31333334253332-137
12Timo Puistaja08/17/18 19:01333244233253-137
20Rait Leheveer09/26/19 18:52334425243332038
20Reimo Kivine07/25/19 21:06433433343242038
20Romet Rammo08/13/18 20:22233335334342038
20Keijo Lehes08/17/18 20:16243334343333038
20Siim Viiklaid07/15/19 21:03333433343243038
20Keijo Lehes08/17/18 19:01333334344233038
20Priit Kudre04/22/19 16:33333334243433038
20Lauris ja Kaarel06/17/18 19:41343234243343038
20Raigo Raudseping07/15/19 21:03232444342334038
29Margo Lindermann02/17/19 13:50434234253243+139
29Kris Neufeld04/19/18 19:31444333243342+139

Course statistics

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Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
No events found

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined