
Laajavuori DiscGolfPark

  • Not in use 
  • Location: Finland, Keski-Suomi, Jyväskylä
  • Baskets: 16 Par: 48
  • Send email to manager

  • Weather: -0°C 4.12 m/s SSE
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


Ratings have not been calculated Ratings analysis

Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516+/-Sum
1Peksi Luoma01/06/18 13:002222222222322222-1533
2Lauri Mattila01/06/18 13:002222222232223223-1335
3Hao Kanerva01/20/18 13:002422232222222322-1236
3Matias Puikkonen01/20/18 13:002223232322232222-1236
3Jani Saukko01/06/18 13:002223321222233322-1236
3Peksi Luoma01/20/18 13:002222222232322323-1236
7Janne Pesonen01/20/18 13:002223223232232223-1137
8Oskari01/06/18 13:002222232322432232-1038
8Lauri Mattila01/20/18 13:002323233222223322-1038
8Lauri Lehtinen01/06/18 13:002222232232232342-1038
11Ari Piiroinen01/20/18 13:003223232322232323-939
11Joonas Koskinen01/06/18 13:002222332322342322-939
11Janne Pesonen01/06/18 13:003223222222233324-939
11Randy Clayton01/20/18 13:002322322224222333-939
11Seppo Sorvamaa01/06/18 13:003222232233233322-939
11Timo Mäyränen01/06/18 13:002232333222323223-939
17Sami Kuparinen01/06/18 13:003213323323233322-840
17Lauri Lehtinen01/20/18 13:002233323322232323-840
17Matti Ahonen01/06/18 13:002323332222333322-840
20Ari Piiroinen01/06/18 13:003323332232232233-741
20Sami Pursiainen01/20/18 13:002323233232324232-741
22Hao Kanerva01/06/18 13:004222433322332223-642
22Jari Puranen01/06/18 13:002322332333342322-642
22Jarmo welling01/06/18 13:002233422242233323-642
25Jaakko Konttinen01/20/18 13:004322422333222324-543
25Matti Ahonen01/20/18 13:002233233324232234-543
25wille mäkinen01/06/18 13:003233332323233233-543
28Jarmo welling01/20/18 13:002223333332253422-444
28Jarno V01/06/18 13:002323323332323352-444
28Seppo Sorvamaa01/20/18 13:003234422332233323-444

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2018-01-20JyLin talviviikkikset → Kierros 122Hao Kanerva (-12) | 13 2 1
2018-01-06Laajiksen talviviikkikset → 1. ja 2. kierros26Peksi Luoma (-15) | 15 1

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined