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  • Comment: Võistluse algus 18.30. Osalus 5€ , auhinnad parimatele. Kolmese pot on 2576 euri.

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
Mängumehed (870+ Metrixi reiting) (12)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Mihkel Tuisk -6F323242424222323323-648
1Andres Kukka -6F423332233233322323-648
3Andres Andi 平 Jürivete -5F323223344242322332-549
4Rainer Sinilind -1F322233333333444323-153
5Taavi Lillemäe +1F333233234333334244+155
6Arti Vaas +2F334333434242533322+256
7Tanel Kuusemäe +3F323344444343342322+357
7Fred Martens +3F323443623333335223+357
7Priit Bankier +3F333352642333344222+357
10Rainer Lipand +5F332333334453432344+559
11Sander Laanbek +7F334232555342333533+761
12Konstantin Selli +12F525755532224433333+1266
Harrastajad (kuni 869 Metrixi reiting) (16)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Raiko Heide -2F233224423234333342-252
2Jaan Takk +1F543234322332632233+155
2Andre Arula +1F332453443233432232+155
2Kristjan Ruubel +1F623224334333333332+155
5Maario Merirand +3F333334432334333442+357
6Erko Kookla +4F332534442343433332+458
7Kevin Leas +7F323333435353434334+761
8Madis Maasalu +9F532333573433443233+963
8Rain Rohi +9F433344444343533333+963
8Renet Saare +9F323343334453444434+963
8Mairold Mätas +9F233344332264564333+963
12Tanel Timmusk+10F542243353244545333+1064
13Marti Merirand +11F524354344333553333+1165
14kaider aas +12F343435433244664332+1266
14Neeme Milva +12F523343654353622334+1266
16Sten Piir +16F326952444333454333+1670

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The result was updated on: 2019-09-11 19:54:57. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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