
1Kalle Niemelä -3F332323342-325
1Jarkko Naukkarinen -3F223224442-325
1Jaakko Alatalo -3F232333342-325
4Markus Löf -2F232334333-226
5Rami Niemi -1F333334332-127
5Joni Roukala -1F233325333-127
5Kim hägglund -1F333324333-127
8Severi Myllymäki 0F235225333028
8Miikka Liias 0F543323332028
10Mika Liias +2F443225334+230
10Tomi Hautala +2F334334352+230
12Ville Salmela +3F244335352+331
13Lasse Niemi +4F334334552+432
14Aukusti Marttala +7F454534334+735

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The result was updated on: 2020-09-13 10:02:17. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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