
08/20/21 12:00|Sandösunds DiscGolfPark → 18 - Par 58|FINLAND, Åland, Ahvenanmaa, Vårdö

Event played, who got prizes?


NBDG Doubles Sandösund has been played and the winners are clear.

Jesse-Matias Savolainen & Thomas Nylund

UNDER 1800
Tristan Larsson & Mats Adamczak

UNDER 1700
Hasse Holmström & Jan Kankkonen

Congratulations to all winners! And of course thanks to all participants!

All division winners will get merchandize prizes. There some nice discs and equipment from Prodigy Disc and Latitude 64. Prizes can be picked up from NBDG Special Åland tournament office during weekend (Saturday morning at Soltuna, afternoon at Skag and Sunday morning at Soltuna). If you can't pick up your prize yourself, maybe some friend can pick it up for you?


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