
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122+/-Sum
1Yngve Mæland -1F3333235443352434224433-172
2Eskel Bårdsen +1F2253435333543335333423+174
2Bent Ole Davidsen +1F3334235323452533233454+174
2Kjell Elias Kristoffersen +1F3324434363453433233432+174
5Espen Larsen +7F2434424243454453336443+780
6Magnus Moseng +8F3234236434464354443433+881
6David Vea +8F2533535253465442244433+881
8Ali özel +9F4354634344453433334523+982
9Bernt andre Notland +11F3443636343463433344542+1184
10Svein F L Ådnanes +13F5334235473663343235444+1386
11Sebastian L Ådnanes +14F5334335354663552343543+1487
11Halvor Hansen +14F4354437343753434334434+1487
11Ole Andre Vik +14F2544646433453444334534+1487
11Henrik Salvesen +14F4445424343463455334652+1487
15Rune Skattkjær +15F3254537333563633435543+1588
16Pål Bjørhovde +19F2465736344464434345443+1992
17Thomas Vedøy +24F4554637344564544453534+2497

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The result was updated on: 2021-04-11 18:10:33. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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