
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122+/-Sum
1Sindre Skippervik -12F3343235222332223223442-1261
2Ali özel +2F2344437223453445233431+275
3Mihkel Vällik +3F3344335333342443323554+376
4Henrik Salvesen +6F2334346334453534333443+679
5Morten Vaage +8F3334427223553533343725+881
5Halvor Hansen +8F3344335343453534344533+881
7Rune Skattkjær +9F3334644234454433335543+982
7Kjell Vik +9F2533235344473354343543+982
9Ole Andre Vik +10F3334225353564534434453+1083
10Kristian Lindanger +13F3345335243582434444625+1386
11Thomas Vedøy +17F2444636343463544444544+1790
12Terje Arvid Bårdsen +26F5338368344464644434634+2699
13Fredrik Jackson +31F3365336464564544457656+31104

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The result was updated on: 2021-04-18 18:12:30. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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