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  • Comment: 2x9 väylää 3€ + vapaaehtoinen holarim. 1€


  • Registration start: 10/02/22 17:00 +03:00
  • Registration end: 10/09/22 09:00 +03:00
  • Maximum number of players: 45
  • The number of registered players: 15
Rating <1all
<800 Rating 1 -799all
<880 Rating 800 - 880all
>880 Rating >880all
Naiset Naiset/tytötall

 Rating 1 -799 (4)Registered on↓
1Raimo Honkonen10/08/22 11:02:33
2Seppo Risku10/08/22 19:03:41
3Viljami Lahti10/08/22 20:46:25
4Raimo Malinen10/09/22 10:26:50
 Rating 800 - 880 (7)Registered on↓
1Esa Eskelinen10/02/22 19:50:24
2Jarmo Welling10/02/22 20:01:58
3Sami Koivusilta10/04/22 15:19:27
4Heikki Kainulainen10/05/22 11:25:16
5Aaron Muhonen10/08/22 13:31:21
6Teemu Fors10/09/22 05:14:10
7Jussi Takala10/09/22 09:30:53
 Rating >880 (4)Registered on↓
1Seppo Sorvamaa10/03/22 15:27:20
2Jaakko Ollila10/04/22 12:44:31
3Atte Virtanen10/08/22 00:28:52
4Luukas Korpela10/08/22 13:30:41


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